
At Grow Change we believe mentoring encompasses:

  • personal support

  • assistance

  • encouragement

  • inspiration

We endeavour to provide this to all the young people we work with.

We will work alongside young people and support them to identify their own personal goals.

Goals could include:

  • Confidence with other peers

  • Communication skills

  • Time management

  • Decision making

  • Independence

  • Employability skills

We know that goals can change and develop over time, so we can work with the young person to support this process and amend their goals as they progress.

“The only way that we can live, is if we grow. The only way we can grow, is if we change. The only way that we can change, is if we learn. “

C Joybell.

We want to support young people to set their own goals and see this as a vital part of a mentoring relationship. We will design a Personal Development Plan that enables the mentee and mentor to set goals and map progress throughout their mentoring relationship.